Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Can't Steal My Joy!!

Everyday there are opportunities in life to get upset and loose your joy and peace. There are many things that can steal your joy, people, traffic, disappointments. But if you are going to live in victory you have to choose the right approach to life. It's good to have plans, but submit your plans to God and decide in advance to stay in peace no matter what happens. The Scripture says, "No man can take your joy." That means no person can make you be unhappy. No circumstance can force you to get upset. It's totally up to you. You have complete control of how peaceful and happy you want to live. When those inconveniences come, when your plans don't work out or when somebody irritates you, you can decide, "I am not going to get upset. I am not going to lose my joy. I have the power to stay in peace." Jesus put it this way in John 14:27, "Stop allowing yourself to be upset and disturbed." Notice it's a decision you have to make. Decide today to keep your joy and peace. Change your approach and believe that God is directing your steps. Believe that you are exactly where you're supposed to be. As you do, you'll keep your joy and you will experience God's blessing, and favor, and live the life of victory He has in store!


Nicole said...

Thanks for the reminder as lately there seems to be quite a few things that have the potential of giving me a bad attitude. I am trying to learn how not to stuff my emotions and how I feel but to accept them and then choose to love and forgive. I think the Beth Moore series on Life Today called "Living Forgiving, " says it all. I do not want to take offense easily and want to be quick to forgive. I really need the Lords help with this!

Thanks Sharon!


Joyfulsister said...

Hi Sis..
Amen, we cannot allow anyone to steal our joy, The joy of the Lord is our strength, and the enemy knows if he can take away our joy we will not be able to rejoice in all things and cause us to have a worry and mind full of anxiety. There is a song I used to sing it said.. This joy that I have the world didn't give it to me, The world didn't give it, and the world can't take it away!!. Yes the world cannot unless we release it to the world.
Great post..

Luv ya Lorie

Paula V said...

What truths you have spoken here. Hard truths. I must admit I do have a hard time in the midst of irritation or frustration to stop. Usually, I try to think about the person who doesn't have a job when a co-worker irritates me or the person without a car when someone pulls in front of me or the person without family when I get frustrated over family members decisions. I try to think of all that I have and how petty it is to be upset over co-workers, friends, life, whatever it may be. It kind of knocks me down to reality and what is really important.

God has been speaking to me about complaints and complaining. I want to be different. I don't want to complain even if only in my heart about work, and things.


Sheryl said...

It is absolutely a choice! During this season of my life I must choose joy and to find the blessings. It's so easy to just look upon our circumstances. But God sees the big picture.

Thanks for words today,

Debra said...

I love what Sheryl said, especially since God spoke that to me just today-you can choose your attitude.

Sharon, I'm tagging you! So please stop at my blog for the rules.
Love, Debra

debrah said...

Hey my Joyful friend:
just dropping by to say Hi and I hope you are having an absolutely fabulous joyful(joyfilled) week-end...
In His Love,

God Chaser said...

I tagged you at my site.